Hong Kong Export DeclarationUsing the Tradelink systemHong Kong is one of the easiest places to do business, and a free trade policy makes it one of the largest trading centres. To export or export to/from Hong Kong, there are certain rules and regulations of Hong Kong customs that you must comply with. 香港是最容易做生意的地方之一,自由贸易政策使其成为最大的贸易中心之一。要向香港出口或从香港输出,您必须遵守香港海关的某些规则和规定。 This guide uncovers more about exporting goods from/to Hong Kong. 本指南介绍更多有关香港出口商品的信息。 Who should file export/import declaration ? Every person who imports or exports/re-exports any article, including online purchases from or sales to overseas, other than an exempted article listed by the Hong Kong customs is required to lodge the declaration. 除香港海关所列的豁免物品外,任何人士进口或出口/再出口任何物品,包括从海外网上购买或向海外销售的物品,均须提交申报。 For products exported from/to Hong Kong to other countries, the exporter must complete customs clearance and export declaration with the Customs and Excise Department in Hong Kong. What kind of export/import declaration?
There are six types of declaration mainly Import declaration Import Form1/ form 1A /Export Form 2 /Form 2A form import of exempted articles Form IB/ Export Form 2B
In our pretext and video we are concern about form 2 Export / Re-export Declaration for export / re-export items except HK manufactured clothing and footwear items (Form 2)
Submission Method
Import/export declarations should be lodged electronically through the three service providers appointed by the Government 进出口报关单应通过政府指定的三家服务提供商以电子方式提交 Import/export declarations are to be lodged electronically through the following service providers (SPs) appointed by the Government: Brio Electronic Commerce Limited (Brio)
Tradelink ebiz is the system we have used to explain the filing of returns and one can use any of the filing companies and can negotiate the charges based on numbers of declaration filed a year accordingly.
Why you should file export/ import declaration?
Declaration Notices will be issued to persons who are suspected to have failed to lodge import/export declaration. Regardless if a relevant import/export declaration has been lodged, reply to declaration notices should be made as soon as possible by email, fax, post or through Government Form Platform or any of the above service providers.
We had noticed in the past that HK forwarder or HK shipping company offices had received lot of notices from the Government which needs immediate action as most of the shippers use their chartered accountant as the address and fails to pay attention to the notices, so it is advisable to let the HK forwarder file declaration immediately the shipment departs or arrives Hong Kong.
What are the charges for filing export /import declaration
What is the use of Import/Export declarations?
Use of Import/Export Declarations The information contained in the import/export declarations is used for compiling trade statistics by the Census and Statistics Department. Apart from providing detailed information on commodity trade, trade statistics are widely used in Hong Kong and abroad as an indicator of our trade position, and as the basis of some major decisions on economic policy.
进出口报关单的使用政府统计处使用进出口报关表所载的资料编制贸易统计数字。除了提供商品贸易的详细资料外,贸易统计数字在香港及海外广泛使用,作为衡量本港贸易状况的指标,以及作为一些重大经济政策决定的基础 About us, we are a professional HK based companies with offices in India, Shenzhen , Guangzhou,to know more about us and our services please contact us. |